Canadian Scrabble Classic in Belleville, ON

Main Event: NWL & CSW

15 games | Feb 28-Mar 2, 2025

$150 CDN ($120 USD)

CSW also WESPA rated

Early Bird 1: NWL & CSW

7 games | Feb 27

$30 CDN ($25 USD)

Early Bird 2: NWL & CSW

5 games | Feb 28

$30 CDN ($25 USD)

Scroll to bottom of page

for full schedule

Scrabble Tournament

Fairfield Inn & Suites

Team Trivia

Hosted Dinners

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Belleville

407 North Front Street, Belleville, ON K8P 3C8  Map to hotel

Hotel Information

 Hotel Amenities

Tournament Information

Thursday Feb 27

11:30 AM - 3:15 PM Early Bird 1 Rounds 1-4, followed by short break

3:45 PM - 6:45 PM  Early Bird 1 Rounds 5-7

Friday Feb 28

11:30 AM - 4:30 PM Early Bird  Rounds 1-5. Five games, no break.

7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Main Event Rounds 1-3

Saturday Mar 1

9:30 AM - 1:30 PM  Main Event Rounds 4-7

2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 8-11

9:00 PM - 10:30 PM Team Trivia in game room. Participation is free. Prizes to top 2 winning teams (up to 5 players/team)

Sunday Mar 2

9:30 AM - 1:30 PM  Main Event Rounds 12-15